UntitledLaura TitzerOct 29, 20231 min readI am pulled into individual pieceswoven back in thirdsforced through an eye, dragged over and under till my face is drawn taut with forced smile, behind is all thread, no brain.
I am pulled into individual pieceswoven back in thirdsforced through an eye, dragged over and under till my face is drawn taut with forced smile, behind is all thread, no brain.
Pack-Man --Laura TitzerMar 13, 20231 min readWho packed awaymy beauty, consumedmy security, chompedmy belongings untilall that remained wasa hollow sand dollar, a skeleton to hangfrom your wall, a mementoof better times?
Who packed awaymy beauty, consumedmy security, chompedmy belongings untilall that remained wasa hollow sand dollar, a skeleton to hangfrom your wall, a mementoof better times?
Poem-a-Day: AptitudeLaura TitzerFeb 15, 20231 min readAccumulations of Sappho embalmed and stored in catcalls that spill with cacophonous shoes tallying acclaimed importance but the most silentis the most insidious. #PoemADay #poetry #poetrylovers
Accumulations of Sappho embalmed and stored in catcalls that spill with cacophonous shoes tallying acclaimed importance but the most silentis the most insidious. #PoemADay #poetry #poetrylovers